Us for Them is a diverse group of Jesus followers proclaiming the love of God through undeniably loving actions. We strive to love others the way we are loved by Christ .

We create and promote innovative and undeniably loving ministry missions that empower people to consistently communicate the promise of God’s love through the local church. We focus our efforts to one mission at a time.

Our Current Mission: Inspire the Church to eliminate the kidney transplant wait list. Take a look.


100,000 Americans are waiting for a kidney transplant. Waiting for a second chance at life. Kidney failure impacts young and old, rich and poor, every religion, and culture, and race. Kidney failure is deadly.

Most people experiencing kidney failure spend several exhausting and painful hours every week having toxins removed from their body by machines - a process known as dialysis. It’s a temporary solution. For many people on dialysis a kidney transplant is their only hope for a normal life expectancy.

Thousands die every year waiting for a transplant match, and there are far more people in need of a kidney than there are transplant kidneys available. The wait list gets longer every year, and the death toll rises.


A safe, short-term sacrifice

that provides life to another


But there is hope for people waiting for this life-saving transplant - living kidney donation. With enough living kidney donors we can virtually eliminate the transplant wait list and save thousands of lives every year.

But who would give such a gift? Maybe you.

Millions of healthy and committed followers of Jesus Christ have two healthy kidneys – which, for most people is one more than they need to live a long and healthy life.

What if the Church; the people who love Jesus Christ and are called to serve others in His name; committed to seeking God about giving an undeniably loving gift - one of their kidneys. What message might we send about the God we serve?

Us for The founder, Jon Lee describes how it feels to be a living kidney donor.


While there are risks associated with any surgery, living kidney donation is a safe common procedure that typically carries no significant long-term health implications for the donor. If you’re a healthy adult, you can donate a kidney to someone in need, and within a few weeks go back to your normal life.

Studies indicate that living kidney donation has no long term impact on a person’s health or life expectancy. And for most people there are no dietary restrictions or significant lifestyle changes required after donation.


Would you give another person a second chance at life if all it cost you was a little temporary discomfort and a couple of weeks off work?


ts reclaim the story of Jesus.

Us for Them sees the Church as a place of

inconceivable generosity and healing

for the next generation.

Us for Them is starting a new movement to inspire people of faith to prayerfully consider living kidney donation. We believe that people of faith volunteering to give their kidneys to loved ones and strangers is an undeniably loving way to represent the love of Jesus for all mankind.

We see a future where people suffering with kidney failure see the Church as their best option to experience a miracle - whether that miracle is a supernatural healing or the gift of a living kidney donation

Let us love in ways that are radical and confounding to anyone who hasn’t experienced Jesus Christ. Let’s attempt to love others the way He loved us. By giving of ourselves… literally.

The gift you make will save a life. And the example you give of Christ’s love for others could be the catalyst that saves souls too.

We believe that you just might be the kind of person that would give of yourself to bring more abundant life to someone else. It isn’t every day that you get an opportunity to volunteer to participate in a miracle.