A study on generosity that changed my life

By Jon Lee, Founder of Us For Them

I want to introduce you to a deep dive into the Biblical theme of generosity from our friends at the Bible Project. The video, study notes, and corresponding podcast episodes are an excellent and comprehensive look at how generosity is a critical theme throughout the entire story of the Bible. This study from Tim Mackie and Jon Collins gave me enormous clarity. I celebrate virtually everything these guys produce. It isn’t about kidney donation at all, but the themes and concepts certainly apply to our concept.

Oftentimes we are taught about generosity through a financial lens, but we are called to acts generosity in every aspect of our lives. And if we believe His promises, we can view our lives from a perspective of absolute abundance – spiritually, physically, and emotionally. That abundance paired with the love of our Creator produces an unquenchable motivation to give and serve others (at least that’s the way it’s supposed to work). If you don’t have hours to devote to the podcast episodes (which I highly recommend), watch this instead.

Humans are products of God’s generosity designed to receive and to distribute it liberally. The gift of Jesus Christ is our ultimate example. The most generous thing God ever did for us was to sacrifice His only Son for us, that we might be reconciled to Him.

Sacrificial giving that serves another person is the most fulfilling of all human experiences. As you pray, ask God if he would have you give this life-saving gift - your kidney - to someone who needs a chance at a more abundant life. And if you don’t feel called to give your kidney, ask God what sacrificial gift you can give.

As always, we thank God for you and we are praying with you.

Jon Lee